Locations in Chult

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Week 1 - Getting together

Syndra Silvane, an archmagus who adventured long ago has enlisted your help.  She is wasting away from a Death Curse, which rots her body and saps her strength.  Through research and divinations, she and her cohorts have come to the conclusion that somewhere on the continent of Chult, a powerful artifact called the Soulmonger is hidden.  They believe this artifact is somehow related to her plight.  She has asked you to aid her in tracking this artifact and retrieving it so they may somehow end the plague it is causing.  Agreeing to aid her, you have been teleported to Port Nyanzaru, the only major city within the continent of Chult.

Upon landing in the city, part of the group escorted her to the manse where she will be staying with Wakanga O'tamu, an old friend of hers and one of the seven merchant princes who rule this city.  As a caster, his purview is magic and lore, and as he spoke with you, he gave you a water-soaked leather bound journal that was found in the jungle, left behind by a wizard-explorer in his explorations.  The journal details the location of Vorn, a shield guardian that traveled with the wizard.  The medallion which will operate the guardian is illustrated in the journal, as well, though its location is unknown.  From the journal and his own experiences, Wakanga has been able to locate Vorn on the map Syndra gave you and he offered you a spellbook if you are able to bring him guardian and amulet.  In addition, Syndra sent 50 gold for each adventurer to aid with the costs of exploration.

Meanwhile, the remainder of the group traveled to the Market ward, specifically the Red Bazaar, where two inns are located.  Visiting both, the group discovered the Thundering Lizard is a bit morte boisterous, though only 5 silver a night, and Kaya's House of Repose is more quiet and stately, costing 1 gp per night.  The group debated their lodging for the evening, and will likely split to allow the more reflective to have the silence they need, while allowing the more spirited a more adventurous evening.  While there, they heard that wilderness guides will often frequent the establishments looking for work, that there is a blue-tinged mist that will cause a disease that drives men mad, and that the temple of Ubtao used to be the dominant religion in the area, though he grew tired of their constant fighting and left.  Since then, some have begun to worship lesser gods, many tricksters and deceivers.

Having prepared and journeyed, escorted and caroused, the adventurers retired for some rest to peruse the journal and plan their next move.

Rewards: This was an intro, so much of this week was getting characters created and getting settled.  Each player has 50 gp from Syndra for supplies and the characters have received the journal from Wakanga.  We will start with experience next week.